Honoring the memory of Alan T. Williams AKA Axe Truth
Honoring the memory of Alan T. Williams AKA Axe Truth

About The Show

About The Show

Welcome to Crossing Corpses, the ultimate online destination for fans of the podcast. Whether you’re a devoted listener or just discovering the show, our platform is designed to enhance your experience and deepen your connection to the world of Crossing Corpses.

In its narrow original form, it was popular on certain shortwave stations and pirate radio channels.

In this Retcon built for streaming we take it further and do it far better having invested our profits in equipment and talent. Nothing from the old show stands as canon so even some people you might remember making it may not this time around… And vice versa! What happens from here on is what I had intended all along, but format and advertiser concerns turned it into a bland sterilized shell of it’s creative intent.

I thank them for having us and helping us hone our skills while we grew. I am even more thankful to God for allowing me and our team the courage to platform this story unchained.

Not everyone will get that this is not a Christian Story in a streamlined sense. This is a story about how a few Christians fit into a world gone mad. (Kinda like now) Most characters are secular or other. Some learn even the noblest decisions have unintended consequences. Other’s will be conflicted between their pre Christian life and their Christian one. All will know and either overcome or give into temptation… And some will repent and start anew. You know like real people do.